2019 is declared as the year “Turkmenistan – the Home of Prosperity” in the country

The Mejlis of Turkmenistan adopted the Resolution on declaration of 2019 as the year “Turkmenistan – the Home of Prosperity”. The document mentions that it became goo tradition to give name to the year, which forms up its most important events. It supports the enhancement of patriotism and intent of every individual to be involved and contribute to noble affairs, beginnings and achievements in the country.

The Mejlis of Turkmenistan decided to declare 2019 as the year of “Turkmenistan – the Home of Prosperity” for wide popularization and demonstration of the importance of achieved success, enhancement of large-scale reforms for rapid development of the economy, achievements of new levels of economic and social progress, propaganda of the input of our country to the provision of peace and stability, its initiative of mankind significance, education of younger generation in the spirit of pride, love and respect of independent neutral Turkmenistan as well as supporting numerous proposals received from the government authorities, organizations, major public associations and citizens of the country.